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curiosities and guide

curiosities and guide

curiosities                                                                                                                                                                            Did you know that owls like flab, is timid, quiet and discreet, they become tame in captivity, especially when created since filhotes.As owls, owls and Caboré; are placed in the order of the owl, nocturnal rapinamtes attention by chaman Because of the large head, apparently because most of the plumage, large eyes, positioned forward. Penguins scaley as early expeditions of the southern hemisphere, for the animals that were there, the penguins, their eggs were collected and consumed, and the penguins literaumente viravam''churrasquinho.''Until the 80 still Aviam record of comsume penguins by humans. Did you know that lemurs as sflalei has the fantastic scenery of the island of magascar, a zookeeper invites visitors to enjoy life and the place of these animals, interact and feed the lemurs, a primate species, endangered species, which only exists in madagascar monkey and mix with raccoon. Well if you did not know it, now you know !!!!!! guide                                 1977 m, a group of students at the University of Rio Grande - national academic womb of environmentalism - the map shows a spit of land in the sea and begins to organize one of the most important and dangerous voyages of the time. They would visit the Atol das Rocas (RN) with some fishermen. Only atoll in the South Atlantic, has no water and is surely the most inhospitable piece of land of our seas. Courage and determination were the watchwords of the late student movement of the time, illuminated by the "flower power" they would change the world, at least, the notion of environmentalism in Brazil The trip yielded images and notes to students who do not realize. It was the first time that marine turtles have been seen and photographed by researchers in Brazilian waters, was also the first time the student environmental movement saw at that point was the indiscriminate killing of these animals. Most of the turtles that came up in the sands of the atoll to spawn has been killed, looted their nests and eggs were removed.

Since then much has changed, the old "Tartarugueiros" - turtle fishermen - are currently sentinel animals and almost all are employees of the Tamar. Recognized worldwide and holds dozens of awards including the "Nobel" of environmentalism, Tamar has nearly three decades of existence and foremost is an example of unity and harmony among the academic community, environmentalists and local people. This equation - success - is the awareness, education and exchange of experiences, their broad fronts of influence.

Spawning Areas
The main spawning grounds of marine turtles on our coast are: Regency - Trains in the Holy Spirit, Pirambu - Santa Isabel in Sergipe, and Praia do Forte, north coast of Bahia. Three recognized and highly visited destinations in the current tourist scene.Not to mention Fernando de Noronha Abrolhos, Trinidad and Rocas. In all the places mentioned, with a little luck and some provision is possible to follow the birth of the puppies and spawns that happen overnight.

The turtles lay their eggs between the months of September and March, with higher incidence in December and January. A curiosity is that I always return to spawn in exactly the same beach they were born. Here in Brazil we can see five of the eight species that exist in the world: loggerhead, green, hawksbill, leatherback (giant) and olive oil.