see how to sing and dance and choreography sculey flub: 1: Pretend that kicks the ar.2: raise your arms, and rocked to the left anddireita.3: Rocks bumbum.4: Turn on the tip of pés.5: hit the palmas.6: turn the mãos.7: rebole.8 and last step: kicking your feetbackwards. Letter: minibosque walking in, I'm walking in the grove, and flub sculey (2) in harmony, we will walk in the woods mini, there are neither strong glandões too, but nothing stops us working together! vããããoo flub and sculey, eeeeeeeeh! ! Books: fluband sculey: it all starts on the street, a little adventure in a garden, the journey into the human body, walk in the pharmacy, the storein guera brinde.b: music book, drawing book !!!!!! $ 10, $ 20 and $ 25 or $ 50 and / or $ 70 game and sculey flub: print the gameand start playing: